In 2018, Manor wildlife park joined the Red Panda European breeding programme, working to safeguard the future of these beautiful 'fire foxes'. The park is now home to two sisters, Betty and Cherry who will be living in their very own beautiful woods full of cherry, sycamore and ash trees.
Size: 50-64cm
Tail length: 28-50cm
Weight: 3-6kg
Gestation Period: 132 days
Red pandas are found in the Himalayas and mountainous regions of northern Myanmar, and western Sichuan and Yunnan Provinces in China.
Their preferred habitat is temperate montane forests at elevations between 2,200 and 4,800 metres above sea level where there is a thick bamboo understory.
The red panda has suffered from habitat loss throughout it’s range, with many of the forests it once called its home being cleared for timber extraction, agriculture and development. As well as this, Red pandas are also exploited for their pelts, especially in China where hats from their fur are thought to symbolize a happy marriage. It is thought that the world population of Red Pandas may have declined by as much as 50% over the last 18 years.